Swim Drills - Woman in warm lake
Image by NIck Bulanov on Pexels.com

For swimmers looking to take their skills to the open water, mastering specific drills can make all the difference in their performance. Open water swimming presents unique challenges compared to pool swimming, such as dealing with waves, currents, and sighting. To excel in this environment, swimmers must practice drills that simulate these conditions and improve their technique. In this article, we will explore some of the best drills for open water swimming that can help swimmers enhance their skills and performance in the open water.

**Sighting Drills**

Sighting is a crucial skill in open water swimming, as it helps swimmers navigate and stay on course during a race. To practice sighting, swimmers can incorporate drills that involve lifting their head to sight a target while maintaining their stroke rhythm. A common drill is the “buoy sighting drill,” where swimmers practice sighting a buoy in the water at regular intervals. This helps swimmers become more efficient at sighting without disrupting their stroke technique.

**Drafting Drills**

Drafting off another swimmer can provide a significant advantage in open water swimming by reducing resistance and conserving energy. To practice drafting, swimmers can do drills where they swim closely behind another swimmer, mimicking the positioning and movements required to draft effectively. By practicing drafting drills, swimmers can learn how to position themselves strategically in a race to benefit from the drafting effect.

**Waves and Chop Drills**

Open water swimmers must be prepared to navigate through waves and choppy water conditions during races. To simulate these conditions, swimmers can practice drills in the pool that involve creating waves or turbulence by splashing or kicking vigorously. These drills help swimmers develop the strength and stability needed to swim effectively in rough water and maintain their speed and stroke technique.

**Turning Drills**

In open water swimming, swimmers often encounter turns around buoys or landmarks that require quick and efficient maneuvering. To practice turning in the open water, swimmers can do drills that involve sharp, controlled turns around markers or buoys in the pool. By mastering turning drills, swimmers can improve their agility and speed when navigating turns during a race.

**Long Distance Endurance Drills**

Open water swimming often involves longer distances than pool swimming, requiring swimmers to build endurance and stamina. To improve endurance for open water swimming, swimmers can incorporate drills that focus on swimming longer distances without breaks. These drills help swimmers build the physical and mental resilience needed to tackle the challenges of open water races and maintain a steady pace throughout.

**Conclusion: Mastering the Open Water**

By incorporating these drills into their training routine, swimmers can enhance their skills and performance in the open water. Sighting drills improve navigation, drafting drills boost efficiency, waves and chop drills build strength and stability, turning drills enhance agility, and long-distance endurance drills increase stamina. With consistent practice and dedication to mastering these drills, swimmers can prepare themselves to excel in the unique and unpredictable environment of open water swimming. So, dive in, practice these drills, and conquer the open water!